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Tag Archives: healthy

Control the cause and reduce the severity of asthma.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchial tubes , causing bronchial tubes to narrow. Symptoms often come and go. When symptoms occur, it is called an asthma exacerbation. Common symptoms include wheezing , coughing , chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms vary in severity. Many times, an asthma exacerbation is so severe that respiratory failure requires intubation or death.

White beans and weight loss.

White beans are a type of plant in the legume family. That is rich in various nutrients such as protein, fiber, as well as various vitamins and minerals food. Being overweight can be a risk factor for other health problems. Such as type 2 diabetes, heart

Benefits of writing a diary.

Keeping a diary is more than just recording your day. And there are benefits that many people may not have known before, such as Keeping a diary helps us reflect on the events and feelings of the day. It makes us understand ourselves better, such

What are the benefits of cold compresses?

Cold compresses are a first aid method that can be applied to the entire body. Be it the eyes, forehead, lower back. or other areas where cold compresses will Helps reduce swelling, inflammation , itching, pain or stop bleeding initially. which helps deal with various illnesses as

What are the health benefits of pumpkin?

Pumpkin has a range of fantastic benefits. Including being one of the best-known sources of beta carotene. Beta carotene is a powerful antioxidant that gives orange vegetables and fruits their vibrant color. The body converts any ingested beta carotene into vitamin A. ufabet  Following health benefits: Regulating blood pressure

What makes a food a superfoods?

Superfoods are in a sense, exactly what they sound like: a category of foods that are super-healthy. But not every healthy food is a superfood. “Superfoods are those that offer exceptional health benefits. Beyond what you’d expect based on just their nutritional profile.” Superfoods aren’t a nutritionally recognized