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Tag Archives: exercise

How often can you do cardio?

Cardio Exercise is an exercise that focuses on strengthening the heart and lungs to be able to use more oxygen. It also helps stimulate the heart rate and blood pressure, helps burn calories  and helps in weight loss. Cardio exercise is a continuous, long-lasting, but not too

Control the cause and reduce the severity of asthma.

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the bronchial tubes , causing bronchial tubes to narrow. Symptoms often come and go. When symptoms occur, it is called an asthma exacerbation. Common symptoms include wheezing , coughing , chest tightness, and shortness of breath. These symptoms vary in severity. Many times, an asthma exacerbation is so severe that respiratory failure requires intubation or death.

Risk factors and ways to avoid dementia.

Normally, brain cells decrease in number as we age. Dead brain cells cannot be replace by new cells. But more than that, dementia is a condition in which the number of functioning brain cells decreases rapidly due to progressive atrophy.  Common dementias include Alzheimer’s disease, which mostly