Risk factors and ways to avoid dementia.

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Normally, brain cells decrease in number as we age. Dead brain cells cannot be replace by new cells. But more than that, dementia is a condition in which the number of functioning brain cells decreases rapidly due to progressive atrophy. 

Common dementias include Alzheimer’s disease, which mostly occurs in people over 65 years of age. However, dementia can occur at a younger age. It is usually cause by genetic diseases, cerebrovascular disease, brain infections, or exposure to toxic substances. When brain cells atrophy, it results in problems with memory, thoughts, emotions, and personality that change from before.

Multiple factors contribute to Alzheimer’s or dementia

  • Genetics: If our parents have the APOE gene, which is the gene for Alzheimer’s disease, and they also have Alzheimer’s disease, then of course we have a 50% higher risk than others.
  • Age: We cannot prevent aging. So when we are 65 years old and above, the chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease will increase significantly.
  • Gender: 3 to 2 people, meaning women are more likely to have Alzheimer’s than men. Women must be even more careful about this disease.

Although we cannot avoid our genetics, age and gender, there are still many factors that we can take care of ourselves to prevent Alzheimer’s

We can reduce our chances of developing dementia by up to 40 percent by avoiding these behaviors.

Play games, exercise your brain, and learn non-stop: Don’t let your brain stop learning new things because the more you use your brain, the smarter and stronger it becomes. Continuously studying and gaining knowledge. Whether it’s academic knowledge or even using your brain to play games, is consider a constant brain exercise that can help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Too fat or too thin, you need to quickly correct your weight: It is unbelievable that abnormal weight can affect Alzheimer’s. Therefore, we should maintain our weight to the standard. Which is having a body mass index (BMI) in the normal range, not being fat with a potbelly or skinny. Anyone who knows that they are too fat or skinny must organize their eating, sleeping, ยูฟ่าเบท. And exercise regularly to reduce fat, build muscle, and keep their body strong at all times.

Hearing impairment: When we are hard of hearing, have hearing loss, or have unclear hearing. Which causes the perception of various sounds to deteriorate. The brain that is responsible for converting sounds into meaning will gradually be block as well. This affects the development of other parts of the brain. Which increases the risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease without realizing it. Anyone who likes to listen to loud music or works in a noisy place should stop or avoid hearing loss.

Lack of regular exercise: Believe it or not. Thinking positively, looking at the world in a positive light, opening your mind to the world. And taking a vacation will help clear your mind. In addition to reducing the risk of depression, it also reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Be social, don’t be miserable: Socializing, talking, and doing activities with friends stimulates the brain and makes it work better. You can choose to do activities you like, such as dancing, crafting, volunteering, joining a singing club to create entertainment, laugh, travel. Or play with children, be a volunteer teacher, or even take care of small grandchildren. This will help your brain to be lively and bright.