18 early pregnancy symptoms, observations, and methods to confirm pregnancy

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Symptoms of pregnancy are signs that indicate that you may be pregnant. Pregnant women may start to show pregnancy symptoms 1-2 weeks after missing their period. Such as breast tenderness, spotting, fatigue, and morning sickness.

Symptoms of Pregnancy

Pregnancy symptoms are signs that indicate that you may be pregnant. Pregnant women may start to show pregnancy symptoms 1-2 weeks. After missing their period, such as breast tenderness, spotting, fatigue, and morning sickness. This is caused by increased pregnancy hormone levels and may cause other symptoms, such as abnormal vaginal discharge, abdominal pain, frequent urination, bloating, or mood swings. Pregnancy symptoms vary from person to person. Some people may have severe morning sickness. While others may not have any morning sickness at all, leading to unknowing pregnancy. Women who have pregnancy symptoms should see a doctor to check for pregnancy. And seek prenatal care to ensure a safe pregnancy and prepare for becoming a new mother.

What are the symptoms of pregnancy?

Pregnancy symptoms vary from person to person, including the onset of pregnancy symptoms and the severity of morning sickness. Some people may experience almost no physical changes. Pregnancy symptoms are caused by rapid hormonal changes that occur after conception, resulting in many physical changes. The symptoms of pregnancy can be observed as follows:

1. Missed period

Amenorrhea is one of the first symptoms of pregnancy in women who are starting to get pregnant. When fertilization between the egg and sperm has occurred. The body will produce the hormone hCG (Human chorionic gonadotropin: hCG), which is a hormone produced in the placenta 8-10 days after fertilization to help the fetus grow. As a result, the body stops ovulating and menstruation occurs. However, amenorrhea can be caused by stress, hormonal imbalance, fasting, PMS symptoms, or excessive exercise. Those who suspect that they may be pregnant in this early stage should get a pregnancy test to check the hCG hormone level to confirm the pregnancy.

2. Morning sickness, nausea, and vomiting

Morning sickness, nausea and vomiting are some of the first pregnancy symptoms that occur between 2 and 8 weeks after conception. And Morning sickness is a prominent symptom of most pregnant women. Often causing nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, and usually occurring in the morning. In some cases, symptoms may occur throughout the day. Morning sickness may go away on its own by the 12th week of pregnancy and may return as early as the 32nd week. Before the due date. Women with severe morning sickness (Hyperemesis gravidarum) may experience severe nausea and vomiting to the point of dehydration. Severe fatigue, and fainting. คาสิโนออนไลน์ UFABET ฝากถอนรวดเร็ว เริ่มต้นเล่นง่าย They should rush to see a doctor for an evaluation. However, a very small number of pregnant women experience almost no morning sickness at all. It depends on the physical condition of each person.

3. Tender, swollen breasts, breast changes

Breast tenderness and nipple changes are the first pregnancy symptoms, starting from 2-3 days after conception. The symptoms are similar to those before menstruation, i.e., breast tenderness, tingling in the breasts, breast enlargement until the bra feels tight, the areola or skin color around the nipples darkens, the skin around the breasts becomes firmer until the veins are visible. Generally, breast tenderness after pregnancy is only temporary. Once the body can adjust to the increased hormones in the body, breast tenderness will gradually decrease within 3 months.

4. Increased frequency of urination (Frequent urination)

Frequent urination and increased urination are among the first noticeable pregnancy symptoms. During pregnancy, the body produces more blood. And fluids to nourish the fetus, causing the kidneys to work harder to filter waste through the urine. This results in increased urination, increased frequency, and dark, orange, or brown urine. In addition, the uterus expands in size with the growth of the fetus, causing pressure on the bladder. And making it necessary to urinate more frequently, especially at night.

5. Fatigue

Fatigue and exhaustion are pregnancy symptoms that may occur from the first week after conception. During pregnancy, the body’s progesterone levels increase to help the fetus grow. However, this also slows down the metabolism and the body uses more energy to digest food. Which can make you feel tired, exhausted, and may cause frequent cramps. In addition, fatigue and exhaustion during pregnancy may also be caused by anemia due to iron deficiency and spotting.

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What are the initial symptoms of pregnancy?

The first pregnancy symptoms can be observed within 1-2 weeks after ovulation and having sex without contraception until fertilization between the egg and sperm occurs and becomes an embryo. This is considered the stage when fertilization between the egg and sperm is complete. During this stage, the body produces high levels of hCG hormone, causing many changes in the body that can be detected in the urine. If a pregnancy test is performed during this stage, the test results are usually accurate. The first pregnancy symptoms that can be observed are as follows:

6. Spotting (vaginal bleeding)

Spotting is a pregnancy symptom that occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. After fertilization, the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall, resulting in spotting during pregnancy without any abdominal cramps. Spotting does not occur in all pregnant women. However, women who experience continuous bleeding along with abdominal cramps may have an ectopic pregnancy, a subchorionic hematoma, or a miscarriage. They should see a doctor for further diagnosis.

7. Headache, dizziness (Headache)

Headache and dizziness are among the first pregnancy symptoms caused by hormonal changes in the body along with increased blood circulation. Headaches during pregnancy may be more or less severe depending on the physical condition of each person. They may be caused by hormonal changes, stress, insufficient rest, or stopping caffeine intake . Those who have continuous headaches should see a doctor to check their symptoms.

8. Bloating

Bloating is a symptom of pregnancy caused by changes in the hormone progesterone, which increases, affecting the body’s metabolism, causing more gas in the stomach than usual, gas in the stomach, feeling full, bloated, and flatulence, similar to the beginning of menstruation, and frequent farting.

9. Pain in the lower abdomen, cramps in the lower abdomen (Cramping) 

A dull pain in the lower abdomen and cramps in the lower abdomen are early pregnancy symptoms 1-2 weeks after conception. There will be a dull pain in the lower abdomen, a sharp pain, or a cramp-like pain in the lower abdomen in the uterine area, similar to menstrual pain. This is caused by the body rushing to produce hormones to nourish the embryo and the expansion of the uterus according to the growth of the fetus. The pain will last for 2-3 days and then disappear. However, severe dull pain or cramps on only one side may be caused by an ectopic pregnancy or other complications. You should see a doctor to check your symptoms.

10. Food aversion, food cravings

Changes in appetite are possible pregnancy symptoms that can occur during pregnancy, such as feeling hungry all the time, unexplained cravings or not wanting certain foods, such as sour foods or citrus fruits, or craving strange foods or non-food items, such as dirt or paper, or liking or disliking certain foods that you didn’t like or like before. Some pregnant women may automatically crave high-energy foods, such as milk or dairy products, to provide energy and calcium to the body.

11. Acute sense of smell 

Sensitivity to smell is one of the pregnancy symptoms caused by hormonal changes. There will be extreme sensitivity to smells or the sense of smell will change similar to the sense of taste. Pregnant women may feel sensitive to certain smells that they did not have before the pregnancy or may feel nauseous and cannot tolerate certain familiar smells. Some people may feel dizzy, nauseous or vomit when they smell certain smells such as food, perfume or the smell of certain household products.

12. Backache 

Back pain is one of the symptoms of pregnancy caused by the expansion of the central muscles, relaxation of tendons, joints and pelvic bones, and changes in body posture and posture to support the increasing weight of the pregnancy. In addition, the increased weight also causes a loss of balance, standing, walking, sitting and sleeping, all of which cause back pain. Back pain from pregnancy can be relieved by wearing shoes without heels, not lifting heavy objects, choosing a mattress that supports the body well, not too hard or too soft, and adjusting the sleeping position on the side. If the back pain is severe, do not buy medicine to take yourself but should see a doctor to receive medication as prescribed by the doctor only. The doctor may consider physical therapy or acupuncture to help relieve back pain.

What are other signs and symptoms of pregnancy?

Throughout the 40 weeks of pregnancy, the body will experience continuous physical, emotional and mental changes. Pregnancy symptoms may vary depending on the health of each person. Some people may not know they are pregnant because they areIrregular menstruationIt is already difficult to detect pregnancy. Some people may have different pregnancy symptoms than others. Other signs and symptoms of pregnancy that can be observed are as follows:

13. Abnormal vaginal discharge

Abnormal vaginal discharge is a symptom of pregnancy caused by increased estrogen in the body, causing more body secretions to come out of the vagina than normal. This causes moisture, a buildup of bacteria or yeast in the vagina , causing abnormal vaginal discharge instead of menstruation. Vaginal discharge from pregnancy will appear as clear, odorless, white, and cloudy mucus, and will not be itchy. For vaginal discharge that has an odor and is itchy, you should see a doctor to examine your symptoms.

14. Constipation

Constipation is a symptom of pregnancy that has the same cause as flatulence, which is the high level of progesterone in the body, which slows down the digestive system. In addition, the expansion of the uterus due to the growth of the baby affects the contractions of the intestines, causing food or liquids to move more slowly, resulting in constipation or a feeling of fullness in the stomach. Constipation during pregnancy can be relieved by drinking more water, eating high-fiber foods, and doing light exercise such as walking, swimming, or yoga. However, you should not buy laxatives to take on your own. Instead, you should see a doctor to receive medication as prescribed by the doctor.

15. Mood swings 

Mood swings and irritability are symptoms of pregnancy caused by increased hormonal changes in the body, which affect mood swings that are unstable, mood swings, fluctuations, irritability, anger, sensitivity, and frequent anger. While some people may feel happy, joyful, and content due to the release of chemicals in the brain that make them feel good, some pregnant women may feel depressed, anxious, or depressed due to hormones or unpreparedness for pregnancy. Those who have such symptoms should see a doctor to evaluate their symptoms or get tested for depression.

16. Shortness of breath 

Shortness of breath is a symptom of pregnancy caused by the hormone progesterone. Which enlarges the lungs to be able to inhale more oxygen to nourish the fetus. And Shortness of breath in pregnant women is also an acceleration of the elimination of carbon dioxide gas in the bodies of both the mother and the fetus, causing them to breathe more frequently. In addition, as the pregnancy progresses, the growth of the fetus also presses on the diaphragm, making it harder for pregnant women to breathe, breathe more quickly, or breathe more deeply.

17. Heartburn 

Heartburn is one of the pregnancy symptoms caused by the secretion of progesterone during pregnancy, which slows down the digestive system. The esophageal sphincter muscle. Which is connected to the stomach, relaxes more often than usual. Allowing stomach acid, which is acidic, to flow back into the esophagus, causing acid reflux during pregnancy. In addition, as the pregnancy progresses, the uterus expands until it presses and pushes the stomach, which contains digestive acid, to a higher position, causing heartburn, sour burping, bitterness in the throat, throat irritation, nausea, and vomiting, which may lead to esophagitis.

18. Acne 

Acne is one of the pregnancy symptoms caused by the change of the hormone progesterone that increases immediately after the pregnancy begins. This results in the stimulation of the oil glands under the skin, causing the pores to become clogged and acne to appear on the face, back, or around the sebaceous glands in various parts of the body.

Pregnancy test helps confirm pregnancy symptoms - Early Symptoms of Pregnancy Banner 3

Pregnancy test helps confirm pregnancy symptoms.

Amenorrhea may not always be a sign or symptom of pregnancy. Irregular menstruation may be caused by stress or hormonal imbalance, as well as nausea or vomiting that may be caused by a viral infection in the stomach or intestines that needs to be diagnosed by a doctor. The best way to confirm pregnancy is to have a pregnancy test by a doctor or an expert obstetrician at a hospital. The test results can be known within 1-2 hours and can confirm pregnancy 100%. If the test results confirm pregnancy, the person being tested can register for prenatal care and receive advice on prenatal care, including planning to care for the health of both the mother and the baby in the womb to ensure a smooth and safe pregnancy.